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Home / Your Hearing / Comprehensive Hearing Assessments
Hearing loss is not a sign that you’re broken. Instead, it is a sign that you have lived an experience-rich life that your ears have struggled to keep up with.
In the same way that driving a car fast will gradually erode the tires, the more that your ears experience, the more likely that you’ll need some assistance to continue to bring your differences to the world.
Hearing assessments are simple, quick, non-invasive, and allow you to get a clear understanding of any hearing challenges that you may be experiencing. Once done, you can then be in a much more educated position to understand your options.
With an untreated hearing loss often worsening, the best time to have a hearing assessment is upon your first suspicion that you may be experiencing hearing challenges.
Unfortunately, many people wait far too long to have a hearing assessment following the first signs of hearing loss, which means that I spend much of my time helping patients to address a hearing loss that is much worse than it should be.
Whether you’re concerned about your hearing or a loved one’s hearing, I highly recommend having a hearing assessment as soon as possible.
In most cases, your hearing will be fine and you’ll have a baseline to test against in the future. In some, we may discover that you have a build-up of earwax that is easy to address, and in other cases, a hearing loss may be discovered and you’ll be in a position to take the right precautions.
To schedule your hearing assessment, simply call 888-327-2582 or complete the form on this page.
Before I look into your ears, it’s important to understand who you are, what your life looks like, and the challenges that have resulted in you scheduling a hearing assessment with me.
The more I can understand you, the more I can look for specific types of hearing losses, test you in different ways, and make a recommendation if help is required.
The first thing I’ll do is take a quick look into your ears. This is to ensure that there isn’t anything blocking your ears, from earwax to something more serious.
If I find something, then I’ll be able to help or make a recommendation for you to visit an ENT. If nothing is discovered, then we’ll start your hearing assessment.
You will sit in a sound booth and you will be played a range of sounds at different frequencies. You simply have to let me know when you hear a sound.
This will allow me to understand what you can hear and what you cannot hear, which allows me to plot your results on an audiogram to determine whether you have any form of hearing loss.
I’ll then be able to share your results with you, and if required, walk you through your options if a hearing loss is discovered.
If you are concerned about your hearing, have a question, or would like to understand whether the “All Ears Club”’ is right for you, then you can request a no-obligation callback by completing this form.
When I am available between appointments, I will call you for a friendly discussion to answer your questions and offer my advice.
There is no such thing as a silly question. I’m here to help.
5274 Scotts Valley Dr., Suite 107
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
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