Cartoon man holding a megaphone and the company logo.

Protect your Hearing in Noisy situations

Do you spend hours in a noisy environment? Do you feel like you can’t hear properly in these circumstances? Do you think it may affect your ability to hear even when you are not in the noise? These are the most common questions that are asked by people who live or work in a noisy […]
Tin can and string telephone.

Communicating with Hearing Impaired People

Communicating with people who have hearing loss can be difficult. You may become frustrated when they don’t understand you, and they can pick up on this non-verbal frustration and become irritated. When someone starts having hearing loss, they can still hear most things. The person might not notice it because the sounds that are hard […]

Listening Efficiently With Hearing Aids

It can take time to adjust to new hearing instruments. You may notice that things sound different than they used to, so you may need to adjust to hearing again.  It can be hard to get used to your new hearing aids at first. With the help of a hearing aid specialist, you can have […]